Yesterday we said goodbye to my Uncle Harold. Some memories I have of me and Uncle Harold are all the summers, swimming in his pool. He would always come outside and tell us to help ourselves in the house and to stay as long as we wanted. Harold always cared about me and what was going on in my life. When we would call he would say, "Well.. Rachel, What's Going on girl?" He loved to be outside and stay busy as long as he could until he had to lay down to rest. He was always checking on the car washes and driving around in his beat up truck with duck tape on it. He always came to family get togethers ready to eat. His plate would be full and he would even go back to seconds. He loved dessert, especially any that my mom made! He loved his family so much! When I was sick, I felt like Harold was probably one of the only people who truely understood the pain I was going through. He understood the isolation, and the inability to do what you wanted to physically do.
Most importantly though, is that he loved God and he loved church. He believed in the power of prayer, and the strength that only God can provide. He attended church and when he was sick and couldn't, that was the one thing he missed the most was fellowship and worship to God.
We sure will miss Uncle Harold here on earth, but there is no question where he is right now, and that he feels no pain, so much peace, and is probably telling a funny story and making everyone laugh! I can't wait to tell Haley all about him and show her this picture of them together.