Things that have made me happy in 2009:
1. We got a Wii for Christmas
2. Haley is + or - 5 1/2 weeks away from being in the world
3. We got to go to Houston and spend time with G's family over the break
4. I have the best mom and dad in the world
5. George is such a hard worker and got all of his 80 sales at work and his payout
6. We got to spend new years eve with family playing fun games
7. Haley is spoiled already with a closet full of clothes from now until she is like a year old, and has everything she could ever need as a baby
8. I beat George at Wii bowling several times
9. Our friends Laura and Jim came to visit with baby Ella on Saturday
10. All of my closest college friends are pregnant or just had a baby: Ella-4 months, Baby Winter- Due July 15th, Baby Hughes-Due Aug. 7th.
11. Got a new lazy boy recliner with our Christmas money
12. Watching George play Wii Tennis and get so into it... haha.. I have the best husband ever!!!
Struggles we have started the new year with:
1. No more work for me until baby Haley arrives
2. Doctors visits, Doctors visits, Doctors visits
3. George and job downers
4. Gaining weight for the doctor-only gained 3 pounds so far?? WHAT? Never had this struggle
5. An old woman ran into G's truck at taco bell today-no damage done.. poor old lady
6. Upped the sales at Wells Fargo to 90 each quarter
Well I see that my happy list is longer than my struggles, so that's a good thing. Thanks to all of you for your thought and prayers. I am going to see a high risk pregnancy doctor in Fort Worth on Thursday at 9:00 to get Haley all checked over and get a 3D sonogram. Then to another neurologist to find out whats up with my muscles in my arms and legs. I have been very weak and its getting more difficult to do daily tasks the bigger my belly gets. This is more than a pregnancy thing and so it needs further testing and concern.
As for 2009 we are kind of getting a taste of life..... good, bad, blessings, failures, happiness, sadness, friendship, worry, kindness, generosity and its all LIFE... I'm just glad to know where I'll be someday will be so much better and I can't wait to teach Haley about that. God is good!